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Friday, November 30, 2012

12. Eat a variety of nourishing foods

14 Habits For A Happier You and I
Many people exercise,if I overwork, play sports,Although all of us may have periods of doubting whether we deserve work we love and are good at, or know someone who does. Having done so almost my entire life, I have a few pearls of wisdom. To gain an advantage, focus on a full body workout. In sports your base (waist down) are more important than your upper body except the mind and heart. It will bring more life to your conversations and rejuvenate your outlook,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots.
I met a 74 year old man playing full court basketball. He was a teammate of Oscar Robertson (The Big O) on the Cincinnati Royals. He's a joy to watch because of his subtle technique and confidence. He has a team called "Man Up". In an effort to "One Up You", let me know how the following works for you.
If you would like to read the definitive book on basketball, I encourage you to check out The Art of Basketball by Oscar Robertson (The Big O). Be sure to interpret the words on the pages correctly and add your touch. Here's wishing you a lifetime of swishes and assists.
I'm sure for those who play other sports there is a book. Use your imagination to visually practice the techniques. Try blocking 30 minutes of time, identify the skill(s), count the number of mental repetitions, and sets. Then, try it on the field of play. I think you will like the results. Be sure to lead a balanced life.
Good sportsmanship has its privileges. I recently attended a high school basketball game and am disgusted at the behavior of a few. It must be stopped because it sends the wrong message. Additionally, realize it is about winning the game. A negative habit will only hinder your progress as you progress to the next level and beyond. Be in control.
1. Listen to your body and check with your physician before starting an exercise program
2. Do a variety of exercises
3. Play a sport
4. If a body part hurts, don't aggravate it & seek medical attention
5. During the exercise, mentally focus on the body part you're exercising
6. At least two genuine smiles while resting during an hour workout
7. Vary cardio routines including length of time, day, and speed
8,the impulse is exactly the same. For others. Have at least one brief conversation before or during workout
9. Compete with a sub-goal in mind (repetition required before going to the next level(s)) and reaching a goal
10. Less is more if done correctly
11. Drink eight glasses of water a day . Start the day with one glass & drink less with meals . Don't drink it all at once
12. Eat a variety of nourishing foods (include some fruit, one walnut, one pecan, two almonds)
13. Drink no more than 1.5 cups of your favorite sport drink after exercise
14. Don't eat within two hours of exercising for optimal stomach strength

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Talking The Confident Talk by Jed McCall
For those who don't have it, confidence is a very elusive subject to describe. Typical confident behaviour is seen as extroverted, outgoing, sociable and optimistic. However,the Electronic Age with computers, even those people who possess these characteristics may be a lot less confident than their appearance supposes. You may be surprised to know that many successful people, even celebrities, visit life coaches and hypnotherapy professionals to help them with confidence issues. These people may exhibit many of the behaviours we associate with confidence, but really are putting on an act.
Surely though if it sounds confident, acts confident, is perceived as confident, then it must be confident? Well, clearly this isn't the case, yet superficial confidence is a state of being that many aspire to. In order to understand confidence fully, we need to dig a little deeper, look at the real meaning behind true confidence and then attain it.
Although these things can certainly help, confidence is not something that arrives with a certain salary or social status,or they might act out their anger in unacceptable ways by raising their voice. All manner of people may possess confidence that others do not because it is a highly subjective process. If you are lacking in confidence, self assuredness is lacking somewhere.
Fortunately for you help is at hand. Over the years, experts have refined techniques that boost confidence and firm up your self conviction. There are a range of options out there such as cognitive behavioural therapy, Neurolinguisitic programming, hypnotherapy and life coaching to name but a few. Some of the more basic techniques you can use without the need to pay for an expensive therapist Of course, if your issues are severe, you should consider visiting an expert, particularly if your lack of confidence is causing depression.
One of the aforementioned techniques is known as 'visualisation' . Visualisation is a process whereby the mind 'rehearses' an event with the intention of replicating it in the real world. It is one of the easiest and most effective techniques to pick up and run with straight away.
Do you know anyone who you envy because they are calm, cool and confident. If so, 'borrow' their personality: Pretend that you have one of the positive attributes of this individual,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots. Then imagine the difference between the way you are feeling now and how you were before. Imagine the difference this new attribute would have in your life. This may sound a little silly and childish, but believe me when I say it can be very effective.
No matter how successful they are, people lacking in confidence tend to rubbish themselves repeatedly. This may take the form of false modesty, for instance rubbishing themselves, refusing to take credit for an event. If you are one of these people, you need to think about changing your internal script.
The internal script contains the lines your inner voice reads from. We all have that little voice inside of us, guiding us through the world, making sense of the events around us. But few people know that this voice is not as random as it may appear at first; in fact this voice is conditioned by past behaviours, habits.
If your inner voice is putting you down all the time rather than building you up, it is your inner critic. An inner critic is not concerned with anything other than to put you down, make you feel small, prevent you from developing your true potential. You need to turn your inner critic into an inner coach, a confident voice that guides you instead of criticizing all the time.
Hypnotherapy is one of the best techniques for reconditioning the inner critic. Many people have the old prejudice of hypnotherapy being about a funny man waving a watch in front of your eyes. Well, it ain't quite like that,Play a game with yourself over time and see how many entries you can accumulate. The success of modern hypnotherapy can be seen in the millions of people whose lives have been changed as a consequence of it. Put simply, hypnotherapy allows for accelerated reconditioning, undoing years of bad mental habits over the course of a few weeks, months.
A visit to a hypnotherapist or investment in a self help guide can have a major impact on your life. To have confidence, we need to feel empowered. From using the power of the mind, we can become so much more than we expected, more calm, less anxious, more confident.

Monday, November 26, 2012

and found myself desperate

Karma by Johanna Courtleigh
We tend to think of Karma as some kind of luck.  You've either got it bad,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots, or you've got it good. If you've got it good, the gods are smiling on you.  If you've got it bad, you're at least a little bit cursed, and have to somehow pay or make up for the months or years or lifetimes of having 'blown it'.  However unknown your infractions may be to you now.
I'd like to propose that Karma is not about what Happens to you.  But that Karma is about how you Handle it.  Karma is a state of mind. Therein lies our power to 'create our own reality', and meet what life hands us in a powerful stance of co-creation.  By our actions and reactions, thoughts and feelings. It's easy to imagine oneself a victim when things aren't going the way we'd wish.  "Bad karma!" we might mutter,you may discount the importance of what you have to say before you say it. But.  Another versions of, "Bummer, man!" But, as they say, 'shit happens'.  To all of us! And I believe karma is about how we perspective and meet and handle said 'shit'.  If something happens that I don't like, I can label it (or me) bad, and bring the accompanying complaint and victimization to it. If something happens that I do like, I can think I've got it good.
But perhaps I can begin to step out of my thoughts about good and bad, right and wrong, and look at the potential learning in the situation.  And imagine myself meeting that perceptually less-than-ideal human experience with an attitude of curiosity, openness and perhaps even gratitude as to what it's here to teach. Every moment is a potential turning point.  What happens guides and shapes us. We cannot see the steps ahead. The ego's tendency--brilliantly named the 'Pain Body' by Eckhart Tolle--is to see what it doesn't want as wrong, and to inflict more suffering on itself.  We're all very good at that: suffering over our suffering. Perhaps Karma is about alleviating our own suffering when 'shit happens'.  And finding the potential goodness.  Looking for the lesson,and they feel good. But what happens when the money is gone.  Putting it in perspective.
Opening our arms to the universe and saying, "I don't know why this is occurring, but okay, thank you." I remember, many years ago now, thinking I was going to be moving into a certain place.  I had made a special trip to see it again, and to meet with the property manager to sign the papers. When I arrived, he flippantly told me the place wasn't going to be ready on time for me to move in.  No big deal to him . . . But I had movers coming.  I had someone moving into the place I was vacating.  I thought he and I had a deal.  I thought I had a plan. I was basically being blown off, and found myself desperate, in a swirl of stress and angst and upset.  I couldn't see myself as anything other than a victim. Now, with nowhere now to go . . . Bad karma, some would say.  But that was just a moment in time. Fraught.  But a moment, nonetheless.
What I didn't know, and couldn't see, was that something even better was waiting for me.  And that that 'glitch', that moment of apparent bad karma, was guiding me toward the life and home I'm in now.  A place of goodness and beauty I couldn't have imagined. Had that other place come through, every single detail in my life would be different today.  The people I know. The clients I see.  Everything. In Chinese, the symbol for 'crisis' is made up of two other symbols:  "danger" and "opportunity."
Under stress, it's hard to see the opportunity in the crisis.  To trust that there is an unfoldment that wants something even better than the ego can conceive of in the moment. That to me is about Karma.  About meeting life from a place of openness, curiosity and neutrality, so that when things don't go the way we think we want them to, we can be receptive, and create Good Karma for ourselves by how we are meeting life, and treating ourselves and others in the process. This is an act of faith, surrender.  Trusting in the unfoldment of our lives, however vague and disappointing that may seem at the time,I was afforded what continues to be one of my most humbling and thought provoking moments..   Opening our arms to life and saying, "I don't know why this is occurring, but okay, thank you." Creating our own good Karma, by trusting the flow of our own evolution, and letting go, and going with it.
Johanna Courtleigh, MA, LPC, CHT

Friday, November 23, 2012

when you understand the power of binaural beats this information becomes much more practical.

Binaural Beat Your Way To Happiness by Michael McGrath
Many people seek money in life and strive to get their desires by setting goals and making plans. Others feel that they need strong lasting relationships,this doesn't mean that you no longer need to learn speed reading. Consider this. In fact for every person on the planet there are different goals, aspirations and dreams. But what these people are seeking is not the money, relationship or goal fulfilment. Every one of us is seeking happiness and we believe that we will get this happiness through the attainment of our desires. If you are truthful with yourself you will see that it is not the thing itself that we want but the feeling that we believe the thing will give us - happiness,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots! But what if there was an easier way that could by-pass all that hard work?
Welcome to the world of binaural beats,There are quite a number of auction sites available for the purchase of subliminal products!
Feeling happy happens in the mind. We have all heard the old saying "one man's meat is another man's poison". This simple little statement really does encapsulate the difference between people in the world. One situation, event or thing can be a belessing to one person yet a curse to another. For example leaving in a one-bedroom apartment may be bad for an American family of 4 but for a family of 6 living on the streets of Calcutta it would be a blesing.
But, being human we all have certains things that are common to us all. One such thing is our brains. All human brains work the same way. Although we may hold different views and have different attitudes towards things in life and the world our brains work in very specific ways - ways that are generic to the entire human race.
By using this understanding scientists have created binaural beats which are a form of sound technology that can be used to train your brain to produce certain brainwaves which in turn produce chemical reactions in the brain that create specific emotions and mental and physical states.
For many years now scientists have been working to identify the brainwave patterns that are associated with many different emotional, mental and physical states. Scientists have identified almost all of these states and the brainwaves that are assosiated with them. In itself this is interesting but not very practical. However, when you understand the power of binaural beats this information becomes much more practical.
Knowing which brainwave patterns create which emotional states, from anger to love & happiness, it is possible to create these brainwave patterns by using binaural beats. Binaural beats can be used to create deep relaxation, aid restful sleep, produce more creative ideas, and retain more information and a multitude of other things. Are you aware that binaural beats can even be used to create the exact brainwave patterns that have been shown to release endorphins in the body to relax you and make you feel happy?
What's more if these binaural beats are used regularly for about 30 days the new brainwave patterns become a permanent feature for you,reviewing and adjusting your Profit Plan on an ongoing basis so you can continuously and consistently build towards wealth and mi1lionaire status. Now this is not to say you will be walking around happy all the time. The brainwave states associated with happiness that you have developed through the use of binaural beats just becomes a habit. So, just as you can get into the habit of feeling sad, or looking at the negative side of life, you can also get into the habit of feeling happy and looking for the positive in everything - all through the use if binaural beats!
To gain this increase in positive feelings in your life, through binaural beats, all you have to do is listen to some special sounds through stereo headphones and watch as your life begins to change!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ageless Principles of Success

Ageless Principles of Success(6)
The Principle of NOW:
Dear friend, have you ever wonder what time is? Once you truly understand the real meaning of time, you will never experience worry, anxiety and unhappiness again. Actually time is just an illusion.
"No matter how persistent the illusion of time is, the illusion of past, present, and future is still an illusion."
Scientific study of quantum physics has already prove that the only moment that exist is NOW! There is no past, no future, there is only one moment, and that is the moment of NOW! The past and future is only the perception that exist in the human mind. What you think in the past or in the future is just an illusion in your mind. Now is the only time that exists.
The illusion of time makes us think that the moments of past, present and future separate from each other. In reality, they are all happening now. Everything happens NOW!. if you are not convinced by the concept of NOW, then try to do something yesterday or tomorrow right now. It is impossible. Think about it,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots, when do you remember your past? you remember it now. When do you dream your future, you dream it now. There is no any means that you can experience the past or the future, because they don't really exist, they are only a mental concept. When you think you are in your past or in your future, you are actually still in the moment of now. There is no separation of time, everything happens now!
If you truly live in the present moment of now, you will not have any problem at all. All the so called problems happens in your imaginary future. You experience them in your mind. If you fully concentrate on the present moment,Don't focus on your weaknesses, and handle what you are suppose to handle at the moment, you will never experience any problem. A wise seer says " I don't worry about the past, and I am not fearful of the future because my life is supremely concentrated in the present, and the right response comes to me, to every situation as it occurs." This is the timeless awareness. In timeless awareness, you don't experience fear, anxiety and worry. You are in flow. You are one with the source energy. One way to experience the timeless awareness is to choose to live in the present now. Watch your mind, observe it. Your mind will always tries to escape the present moment, because the only reference point it has is the past. You can simply observe it,Some people might assume OCD is simply being used as an excuse for not having to do certain things, the moment you realize your mind is escaping the present moment, you are actually in the present moment.
Since NOW is the only moment that exists, the question is why do I experience what I am experiencing now, but not anything else. The answer to that question is that you have chosen it. At this magic moment of now, there are infinite number of things happening, and you are free to choose to experience any one of them. You made your choice by sending out an command to the Universal Mind ( or call it Cosmic Mind, Infinite Intelligence, Source Energy or God.). Depending on your certainty and clarity, the Universal Mind brings to you exactly what you send out. At some point of this space-time continuum, you had sent out your command, the Universe took your instruction, and worked perfectly on it. That is exactly what you are experiencing now. At the moment of now,perhaps even streaks of genius, you have infinite number of choices, you can experience any one of them by sending out your instructions. The Universe will bring to you exactly what you want depending on your certainty and clarity. It is important to know that the universe takes all your instructions, good or bad, and work equally on them. It can not choose for you. You have to make your own choice with certainty and clarity. Once you make your choice, let the universe to handle the details.
How to put this principle into practice?
(1) Consistently monitor your mind. Keep it concentrate on the present moment of now.
(2) Anytime you find yourself worry about the future, remind yourself " Now is the only time that exists, the past and the future is just an illusion that exists in my mind. I choose to fully concentrate on the present moment of NOW!"
(3) Practice daily meditation. Experience the timeless awareness.
P.S. I learned most of the concepts in this article from a person I admire most Dr Robert Anthony. His revolutionary audio program "KNOW HOW TO BE RICH" is really life changing to me. This six hour program will stay with me for a life time. Every time I listen, I will learn something new, and my level of awareness will automatically increases. I highly recommend anyone who wish to live a better life and experience massive rich to check out this program.
To your success.
Song chengxiang
Copyright 2004 Song Chengxiang

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Strengths and weaknesses they bring to decision making

How to Make a Decision That Sticks Rather Than Gets You Stuck by Anne Warfield,crushing twisted metal
One of the most frustrating experiences we can all face is how to make effective decisions especially when you feel there is a lot of risk at stake. You wonder how much risk you should take on without putting yourself out on a limb or how much risk you share without looking like you are trying to pass accountability or be too cautious.
It is one of those situations that can make you feel like you are boiling in a pressure cooker that will explode as soon as the top is lifted off.
There are four distinct personality styles and they each approach decision making very differently. Because of this difference in style each personality style tends to cloud the decision making process with what is most important to them rather than what is most effective when making a decision.
THE FOUR STYLES: Strengths and weaknesses they bring to decision making
Connectors are very warm and friendly and usually hate conflict or pushy aggressive people. Most Connectors struggle with decision making and risk taking. The fear of messing up outweighs the desire to think logically.
If you are a Connector always make sure you have someone you can quickly run your ideas and thought process by BEFORE you present it to the final person. This will allow you to remove your caution and look at it more objectively.
Networkers are very gregarious and outgoing and have a tendency to look at the big picture while skipping over the details. Therefore, most Networkers will downplay or not seriously look at the risks that may happen. This often means they can get caught with too little information or unprepared to handle the consequences when something does go wrong.
If you are a Networker always make sure you run large decisions by another person and TELL them to ask you focused questions. This will help make sure you are prepared with EXACT answers before you share your decision with another person.
Producers are very bottom line oriented, abrupt and driven. Most Producers do a very good job of making effective decisions because it comes naturally to them to look at all risks, assume accountability, and offset any risks as best as possible. They usually have a slight gutsy side that allows them to take calculated risks after a relatively quick time of pondering them.
Analyzers are very exact, precise, and fact based. This means that most Analyzers will often become immobile when having to make decisions. They will tend to overlook at all the details and act too cautiously so they can be seen as constantly putting on the brakes rather than applying the gas.
If you are an Analyzer I recommend that you find someone and asking them to listen to your thought process on your decision and challenge you on details that you should let go of. You are looking for them to bump you up a level in how you view the situation.
FOUR STEPS THAT WORK: Regardless of what style you are the following steps will help you make more effective decisions.
1.Ask,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots, "If we do this, what is the worst thing that can happen?"
- How likely is it that will happen?
- If it does happen, how can you handle it or can you do anything that will reduce the chance or eliminate it from happening?
2.Ask, "If we don't do this, what is the worst thing that can happen?" a. Can you afford to let that happen? b. Is the risk to you here GREATER than the above risk
3.Put together your thoughts in a logical manner. Use a Ben Franklin Formula with columns laying out the risks, mind map, or graph the pros/cons.
4,Now to say.Decide which way you believe the company should go and why. Present it from that perspective. Share what risks you see with that choice as well as how you see they can be overcome or what chance there is that it will really happen and the CONSEQUENCES if it does happen.
Remember to try and come from your listener's perspective,Your Mindset Determines Your Life, not yours. The higher the executive level, the more that person is going to want straightforward information, bullet points and decisions from you. Know your details but don't flood them with them. Having them to back up and support what decision you made and why if you are challenged on it.
Remember that we all make mistakes. The most important thing is that you know when to jump and when to hold on so you can be most effective!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

but he is entangled in a constricting family and church. Besides

A Christmas Wish
Direct Answers - Column for the week of December 22,large photos, 2003
My sister is a woman now beginning her thirties. She has had few friends and her boyfriends have never been good for her. Now she has finally found a man who adores her.
They had an affair nine years back, when he was twice her age and still married. My sister ended the affair, and he separated from his wife. When my sister contacted him this spring, he finalized the divorce and they became a couple. His marriage, which was arranged by his church, was never happy.
His parents and his children are upset he divorced. His children don't want to meet his new girlfriend, and he hasn't dared to tell his parents about her,No matter what you do. The other issue is children. She wants; he doesn't. I tell my sister they both know each other's stand on this and neither has the right to impose on the other, but neither of them wants to leave.
My whole family visited them on my sister's last birthday. It felt so nice to see them together and to see my sister get love and warmth at last. But to know at some point they will have a crash landing feels awful. She has a man who loves her, but he is entangled in a constricting family and church. Besides, there is a conflict of dreams between them.
What should I say to my sister? We try to get an equal relationship, but we are in such different circumstances,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots. I am married with two children, a professional with friends and all things that she wants. I cannot possibly tell her, after seeing their cozy home and how they care for each other, that this is another no-go.
Who am I to know? Maybe he will come around,Why not tell your subconscious mind some really positive things before you nod off to sleep, or maybe she will think he is more important than fulfilling her dream of children. Maybe I should just keep my "superior knowledge" to myself.
Noel, Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" is one of our favorite stories, but this tale is so familiar most of us forget the moral. Even in our old age it is not too late to change. Even in our old age it is not too late to live the life which is our birthright. But we must want to change and then follow through.
In Dickens' tale Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his old business partner Jacob Marley. Marley warns Scrooge where the patterns of his life are taking him, and even though Marley wants Scrooge to change, he is powerless to make him change. Scrooge must go through a journey of discovery before he is ready.
You would like to play Jacob Marley for your sister, but even Marley couldn't change Scrooge. Three spirits had to show Scrooge his past, his present, and if he did not change, his dismal future. Until Scrooge made this journey he was not ready.
That is the wisdom of the story. We must examine the past for its lessons, search the present for its patterns, and project where those patterns will lead us in the future. If those patterns lead to sadness, they must be altered to lead us to fulfillment. As Scrooge says, "Men's courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead. But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change."
Whether our life is a sad life, an abused life, or simply a flat life, we can use this simple story as a guide to breaking the patterns which lead to bad ends. You may possess the life you wish for your sister, but you do not have the power to give it to her. She will not change until she is ready. Keep your superior knowledge to yourself. If you wish to do something, give your sister a copy of "A Christmas Carol" and make a silent wish for her happiness.
Wayne & Tamara

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Adult Education teacher

Comparing Professional Coaching and Therapy by David Steele
Professional Coaching is very different from therapy and any other helping profession. To promote your understanding of professional coaching here are some similarities and differences between coaching, therapy and other helping professions. Please note that these are generalities and are not meant to definitively cover every iteration and variation of coaching or therapy.
Let's start by looking at the similarities between coaching and therapy. Though this is not intended to be a complete list (because such a thing isn't possible), these are the basics.
Similarities between the role of a coach and that of a therapist include:
- An ongoing, confidential, one-to-one, fee-for-service, relationship
- Working with clients who want to change
- Assuming change only occurs over time
- Use of verbal dialogue as the primary service activity
- Regularly scheduled sessions
General Differences Between Coaching and Therapy
THERAPY assumes the client needs healing; COACHING assumes the client is whole.
THERAPY has its roots in medicine and psychiatry; COACHING has its roots in sports, business, and the personal growth movement.
THERAPY works with people to achieve self-understanding and emotional healing,and let the idea of powerfulness integrate into your life.; COACHING works to move people to a higher level of functioning,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots.
THERAPY focuses on feelings and past events; COACHING focuses on actions and the future.
THERAPY explores the root of problems; COACHING focuses on solving problems.
THERAPY works to bring the unconscious into consciousness,for better or worse.; COACHING works with the conscious mind.
THERAPY works for internal resolution of pain and to let go of old patterns; COACHING works for external solutions to overcome barriers, learn new skills and implement effective choices.
Comparing Five Types of Helping Professionals
1. THERAPISTS are licensed clinical professionals trained to diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders, such as Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Psychologists, Licensed Professional Counselors, etc. They often bill medical insurance for their services. They take an expert role with the client in assessing the problem and prescribing solutions or interventions.
2. COUNSELORS provide guidance to help a person resolve social or personal problems in a specific area such as addictions, wellness, weight loss, etc. They take an expert role with the client in assessing the problem and prescribing solutions or interventions.
3. EDUCATORS teach or instruct a person or group for some particular purpose or occupation, such as a Family Life Educator, Adult Education teacher, and other various experts that teach classes. They are experts in their subject area and teach a specific curriculum that is expected to provide their students with the information needed to accomplish a personal or professional goal.
4,Because as I look back on the past years. CONSULTANTS are specialists who give expert advice or information to solve problems or optimize functioning to individuals or organizations. They are an expert who is expected to have the answers and solutions their clients need.
5. COACHES help their clients identify and achieve their goals, assuming the client is the expert on what they need and what would work for them. Coaches often specialize (Executive Coach, Relationship Coach, etc), however they do not prescribe solutions or give advice.
As you can see from the above five types of helping professionals, coaches are the only type that does not assume the role of expert. Giving advice isn't effective because knowing the answer or solution doesn't change anything. We usually know what we need to do, the hard part is doing it. Change isn't easy. Coaches assume the best answers come from within the client and that their job is to empower the client to determine what they want to do and support them into action to accomplish their goal.
Coaching is a highly effective way to help others to achieve their most important life, relationship, and business goals. Coaching is a natural fit for therapists who wish to expand their practice to work with more functional, private pay clients, as well as non-therapists who want to be of service to others but not as a licensed clinician.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

What is my job

It's Not My Job to Free Tibet
I hate saying that. It feels so very wrong. It's not that I wouldn't like to help them. It's not that I am not appalled at what is happening over there. I have been wrestling with my guilty feelings lately. What have I done to make the world a better place? I started by taking inventory of the areas that I'd love to 'fix'. My to-do list looks like this:
Free Tibet
Heal the hole in the ozone layer
Cure Cancer
Save the endangered species
Overhaul the public school system
Raise my own kids
Defend the gays and lesbians
Teach people how to be happy
Solve world hunger
Find loving homes for the orphans
Save the rainforest
Rid the planet of pollution
Implement a clean economical fuel system
Design a quality inexpensive health care system
End divorces and broken homes
Clean out the political system
Create world peace
Find Atlantis and solve the mystery of the pyramids
Scientifically prove somebody's religion is true
Psychologically heal the inmates who want it
End all superficial fakeness
Save the children
Stop racism
Bring an end to lethargy
Stop terrorism
Save the coral reefs
Change America's focus from being 'politically correct' to becoming 'spiritually correct' and I'm not talking about religion
It all gets a bit overwhelming. How can I ever accomplish all of these things in my lifetime? Even if I delegate certain areas to my kids, and make them take a blood oath that they will force my grandkids to carry on with the work on this list until it is finished, I cannot possible hope to solve all of the world's problems. Then I got to thinking about getting up on my soapbox and preaching to everyone that they need to come help me. There is just so much that needs done and you and I both know that my list is not even complete. I would be lucky if I can do one of those things really well during my lifetime,You can keep moving toward your dream several ways - here are a few.
I had to sit and really think about my own resources, the natural gifts I was born with, and what amount of time I want to commit to doing good deeds. I had to analyze the list and what it would really take to accomplish each of those things. What I came to realize is that there are some that I am called to do, some that I just want to do, and still others that I secretly wish someone else would do. That's not a bad thing,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots, it is what it is. I may really want to cure cancer and other diseases, but I know that deep down I don't have any resources, skills, training, or education to apply to the problem. It's really not my job. All I can do is to support those who are meant to do that work. If I had the money, I'd dump a fortune into their pockets to make sure they had all of the tools they needed. But I don't have it to give, not yet anyway.
What if I do a little bit for each and every one? They say, "Every little bit counts!" You know if all I was giving was my money, then I'd say yes. Donate money to all of those causes. But, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about actually rolling up my sleeves and getting to work helping make the world a better place. I personally cannot fly all over the planet adding just a touch of my energy here and there. To truly create the huge changes needed to fix those problems, I would have to really give my undivided attention and focus. One hundred people giving a moment of their time is not as effective and powerful as just two or three people giving it all of their time and focus. If I am going to make a difference,The Awareness of Metaphysical Laws and Principles Part 3 by Leonard Lee, then I will have to narrow the list down.
One by one, I had to scratch off the list those things that I personally could not do. That's not to say that I won't someday be able to help finance them,excel in sales when well prepared. For now, I have to look at what I can actually roll my sleeves up and do with my own two hands. What are my talents best used for? What is my job? I picked from the list those things that were truly deeply mine. They are all areas that I also happen to feel a personal calling to be involved in. Everything else, I have to let go and trust that someone else will recognize that they have the talents and resources to become part of the solutions. I have to trust that whoever is meant to take on those jobs will feel a calling deep in their soul and that they'll heed that calling.
Another hard part for me is not knowing the divine plan. When bad things happen, we can sort of take comfort in knowing that there must be some divine reason. Somehow the challenges and dramas of life always lead to enlightenment, joy, new self esteem, or some other cosmic gift. Some things are meant to be. Some things are not meant to be. So, when I take that deep breath and trust that someone else is going to pick up that particular problem and give their life to solving it, I have to also make peace with the idea that it may not happen the way I would like to see it happen, or along the timeline that I'd like to see it happen. Who will free Tibet while I'm busy working on fixing these other things? Will they be saved in a timely manner? Will our government dive in to save them the way that they felt called to save other people? I can only pray that someone else picks up the baton because I cannot. Is it your job? Will you free Tibet?
Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge

Friday, November 9, 2012

you can. If you want to get rid of most of your life and live on a shoestring

What's Simple?
If you walk up to a stranger in the grocery store and ask them to define "simple," as in "simple life," they'll probably say something like "having less stuff." Or they might hit you with a frozen turkey. But probably they'll associate simple with stuff.
The thing is that simple is not about how much or how little you have. You can have all the stuff you want and have a simple life. That's the key, though—the stuff you want. Simple is about having more of what you want and less of the things that get in your way and trip you up,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots.
If you continue questioning the guy with the turkey, he may hit you with it again,but I'll do it later after I sleep in a couple more hours." No, or he may spit out some more associations with the word "simple." Those words might include "nature," "inexpensive," "boring," "organized," "miserly." Those are words we think of when we think of simple living, but none of them has to be associated with simplicity—certainly not boring and miserly. Sure, if you want to live your simple life with nature, you can. If you want to get rid of most of your life and live on a shoestring, you can.
The key to simple living is to have,Does it seem like there is never enough time in the day, as much as possible, only what you want. Naturally you have to have things in your life that you don't want, like traffic and Monday mornings. But your goal in reaching simplicity is to have more of the things you do want,the bear, like good books and doughnuts on Sunday morning, and maybe a good CD to listen to in the car while you're in traffic on Monday morning.
Simple is really simple. It's what you want, not what you don't.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

403 Americans who have been interviewed at intervals since 1979. The study

Strange but True! You Don't Have To Be Smart To Be Rich! by Mike Jennings
Did you always think that you had to have brains to get rich? Well, the great news is that you don't!
"Your IQ has really no relationship to your wealth. And being very smart does not protect you from getting into financial difficulty," says Jay Zagorsky. Zagorsky is the author of a recent study in the journal "Intelligence" and a research scientist at Ohio State University. The study confirms previous research which has shown that smarter people tend to earn more money,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots, but points out there is a difference between high pay and overall wealth.
This study, done through the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, surveyed 7,403 Americans who have been interviewed at intervals since 1979. The study, based on their 2004 answers, found that, "the average income difference between a person with an IQ score in the normal range (100) and someone in the top two percent of society (130) is currently between 6,000 and 18,500 dollars per year." In other words: in the normal workplace higher intelligence may mean higher salaries but when you look at the intelligence of those who have become seriously wealthy, there is no correlation between intelligence and wealth! That is excellent news for all of us who want to be wealthy.
The study also showed that intelligent people stated that they also got themselves into financial difficulties but the data is unable to explain why. My belief is that intelligent people are still motivated to the same degree as everyone else by the emotions of fear and greed which can often cloud a person's good judgment leading to financial difficulties.
But the most interesting point that Zagorsky makes is, "When it came to total wealth . . . , people of below average and average intelligence did just fine when compared to the super-intelligent." But why aren't very intelligent people always wealthy? Zagorsky points out that you only have to look in the parking lots of universities to see that intelligence and wealth are not necessarily linked. He says, "Professors tend to be very smart people, but if you look at university parking lots,3. When a goal is achieved and deserves to be rewarded, you don't see a lot of Rolls Royces, Porsches or other very expensive cars. Instead you see a lot of old, low-value vehicles."
So, there is obviously a lot more to being wealthy than having a high intelligence level. You will be familiar with Napoleon Hill's classic book "Think and Grow Rich" written in the 1950's and based on his research into very wealthy men. You are probably also familiar with Wallace D Wattles' book "The Science of Getting Rich" written in the 1910s. You might even have read both books but still can't make the connection between how you, personally, can get rich by following the principles in the books.
One of the underlying principles is to begin today to replace what you don't want by attracting what you do want,comfort and possibly closure then I've done my job." - AMIRAH. But how do you do that? How exactly does this law of attraction work? Napoleon Hill said, "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." And that encapsulates the whole principle of the law of attraction.
There are many organizations offering courses on how to get the law of attraction working in your life, but whatever course you may choose, you must remember that your results ultimately depend on you and the effort you put in to making the law of attraction work,and typically responds to treatment quickly. Early diagnosis is important to a successful recovery.. However, remember that your achieving success in life is not based on how intelligent you are, but on how you use that intelligence to mimic the people who are already very successful. Learn the secrets from the masters and prosper!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

or our products and services. All we can do is control the manner in which we react. Yet

What Is ATTITUDE And Why Is It Important To You? by Bob Urichuck
You can't build anything without a solid foundation. The "A" is for Attitude - the foundation sustaining all successful people,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots. Attitude is the "advance man" of our true selves,7. Serve others.
The roots spread inward and are anchored in past experiences, and the fruit branch outward exposed for all to see. Attitude is both our best friend and our worst enemy. It is more honest and more consistent than our words.
It is a manner which draws people to us, or repels them. It is never content unless it is expressed. It is the librarian of our past, the speaker of our present, and the prophet of our future,If you will just realize that through deep Psychic - Concentration you. Yet, who controls our attitude?
Your attitude is 100% within your control! There are plenty of things in life that we have no control over. For example,otherwise known as bribing., there is absolutely nothing we could do about how people react to us, or our products and services. All we can do is control the manner in which we react. Yet, so many people let the reactions of others determine their outlook for the day. Think about it; are you as positive, upbeat and driven on a day full of rejection or criticism as you would be on a highly successful day?
How do you react to failure? Do you walk away discouraged and complain about it or do you take control, stay focused, accept a lesson learned, and go on with your life? Success is based on good judgment and good judgment is founded on experience. The only way one can gain experience is through failure. We have to fail often to succeed once. This, and the way you react, is a reflection of attitude.
How you react, how you think, what you say to yourself or what you believe about yourself are all within your control and are portrayed by your attitude. You must first realize that your attitude is 100% within your control and then, learn to reflect, confirm and take hold of that attitude.
You must improve the attitude you hold towards yourself. Learn to overcome fear and to deal with rejection and failure in order to increase your productivity while saving time and money.
What is your attitude towards your organization, the team players and the products and services? Do you have an owner's mentality? If so, what would you do differently? Why are you not doing it?
You must address these issues and possess a strong belief before you can move forward. Otherwise, the negativity is reflected in your attitude and is portrayed in your body language.
If you don't believe in yourself and the organization that you represent including the team, the products and the services; then, it is time to find something you do believe in.
It is impossible to engage others to believe in your product or service, if your attitude projects the opposite. Are you ready to improve?

Monday, November 5, 2012

and you start serving as some sort of example.

Getting To Good: Your Spontaneous Woo Quotient
As I was driving to a friend's house, I passed the Dublin Pub, a local watering hole known for its live music. On the reader board, one band's name caught my eye: Spontaneous Woo.
I did a little digging and learned that the band hails from Bay City, Michigan and offers a funk/jazz blend. The term "spontaneous woo" refers to an audience response often seen during concerts in which a rising tide of enthusiasm culminates in a distinctive eruption of happy exclamations.
Now, there's a universal human experience. There is nothing quite like letting out a joyous, spontaneous "Woo!" when things are going our way. We might personalize our woo, making it come out as "Yesss!" or "Sweeeeeet" or even "Woo-HOO!"
There's an appropriate word for this in every language. No matter what elicits this response, we know it means something good has happened. We recognize these woos, whether inspired by simple pleasures or major milestones, as a celebration of goodness. What makes us woo tells us a whole lot about what we value, and what we value is all that is "good".
What is "good"? How do we define it?
The British poet, W.H. Auden, said: "Goodness is easier to recognize than to define." Isn't that the truth,is any kind of solution based dialogue from the other person!
We know "good" when we see it, just like we know when something is woo-worthy. Putting this into words in a consistent way is tough. This is where your personal philosophy comes in. Realize that your ideas of what makes a life "good" come from the people you know, the books you've read, the movies you've seen, and a host of influences you can't remember right now.
We use "good" to describe everything from a haircut to a mathematical theory. Essentially, something is "good" if it satisfies a certain expectation we have of it--it hits the target. A "good" cup of coffee could be strong, weak, bitter, sweet, milky, steaming hot, black, organic, shade-grown, or free, depending on what you value.
"Good" may be a moving target, but Aristotle happened to like the whole idea of targets,Email---If you are spending more than 30 minutes per day on email. He used the Greek word "telos" which was the term used to describe an archery bulls-eye. It's a simple mental image--a big circle with a dot in the middle.
Teleology refers to the study of the purpose of things. Aristotle believed that everything in nature has a purpose, or target. A thing is good if it serves its purpose, fulfills its mission, or hits its target. The whole world is made up of these interrelated purposes.
According to Aristotle, our purpose is to think in order to live a good life. We're supposed to use our brains to contemplate, to appreciate the complexity of the universe, to attain greater understanding of our role as humans, and to be happy. By fulfilling our role as thinkers, we are living to purpose-we are living a good life.
What does that mean exactly? What do we use as guidelines or markers to help us determine if we are getting close to good?
If, as Aristotle says, our purpose is to live a good life and be happy, why isn't there some simple formula we can apply to everyone? What's the minimum woo-quotient of a good life? Can we be happy if we're not living a good life? Can we live a good life if we're not happy?
How much do we need to be happy? We all know plenty of people who never seem to be happy no matter how much they have. One of our greatest challenges as humans is figuring out how much is enough.
Aristotle believed that we need to use courage, honesty and moderation in pursuing pleasure. He considered moral goodness and enjoyment in life as the same thing. He believed it was okay to pursue anything you want, as long as you don't go overboard. This concept of moderation became known as the "golden mean".
Not surprisingly, this golden mean became a popular idea, especially among the rich. It was just what they wanted to hear! Remember that the majority of Aristotle's students were wealthy--who else had the time to study philosophy all day? Aristotle himself ended up being handsomely paid--especially for a philosopher!
Aristotle had his work cut out for him trying to remain moral while becoming wealthy. His most famous student, the classic overachiever Alexander the Great, clearly never got the point about moderation,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots. Aristotle's emphasis on the golden mean got lost in all the excitement about pursuing whatever you like.
Hmmmm. Sounds a lot like modern life, doesn't it?
What kind of life would Aristotle suggest we live in the midst of all the stuff of the 21st century? What does moderation mean now?
Wealthy people are not necessarily more or less moral than anyone else, but they ARE tested more than the rest of us. They have the means to live an excessive lifestyle if they choose to do so. If you live large, your morality--or lack thereof--is magnified for the world to see. Add a dash of celebrity and a stint on TV, and you start serving as some sort of example.
This is where we get confused between "a good life" and "the good life".
We're fascinated by the choices people make when they have the ability to live any way they choose. We read magazines featuring photographs of celebrities in their homes. We watch television shows that give us tours of the properties owned by billionaires. We're both fascinated and repelled by reality shows that offer riches to those who manipulate others.
Why? It's because we're curious about the choices made, and we wonder what we would do given the same set of circumstances.
Seeing the homes, the furnishings, and the cars gives us an idea of what is valued by the individual. We watch because we wonder what choices we would make if we had the same bank account. Would we be extravagant? Would we live simply? Would we be tacky or tasteful,perhaps the goals you have set for yourself aren't the correct goals for you? Would we horrify the neighbors or build a better community? Would our children be kind, compassionate, and generous, or would they be self-centered brats with a huge sense of entitlement?
Would we be like Sting--or Ozzy Osbourne? Would we have daughters like Sofia Coppola--or Paris Hilton?
Most of us have the, uh, good fortune of not being tempted to live without limits. Without being fully tested, we don't really know how we'd fare in a world of big money and bigger visibility.
The wonderful thing about living a good life is that it is possible to do it at any economic level. You can live a good life in poverty or wealth. Though we tend to think it's a lot easier to be an excellent human when we have sufficient funds in the bank, both versions--rich and poor--come with plenty of challenges.
It's tempting to put off becoming your best self until you believe you have the financial support to do it. "I'll be generous once I get to the top," you think. "I'll be kinder when I'm not so stressed." "I'll give back to the community when I retire."
There's no dollar amount that precludes or guarantees a good life, and there's no reason to postpone your own greatness. You may win the lottery tomorrow, or you may lose everything. Despite any dramatic shifts in your personal fortune, you can live a good life today.
Note and relish your own spontaneous woos on a daily basis, and look for ways to increase and deepen them. Think, be happy, and share that wealth in words, wit, and warmth.
The good life never felt so good.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Separation Anxiety Disorder
Between the ages of 8 months and 2 years,That is why we have this other beautiful, it's normal for a child to cry when its mother leaves the room or a stranger enters it. Neither overprotection nor constant punishment will change the situation. It's a natural stage that usually passes on its own. If, however, an older child continues to react to potential separations with unreasonable fear, professional help may be needed. If the problem isn't resolved, it can damage the child's self image, leading to teenage and adult emotional problems.
Separation anxiety disorder may run in families. It is most likely to affect shy, nervous children. The disorder is often triggered by a major change in the child's life, such as a death or hospitalization, the parents' separation or divorce, a new school, or a move.
Children with this disorder express their anxiety in a variety of ways:
Screaming or temper tantrums when left with others
Insistence on sleeping with parents in their room
Difficulty going to sleep
Fear of the dark
Fear of sleeping away from home
Difficulty settling down
Fear of meeting new people
Clinging to parents at home
Following parents from room to room
Worrying about the family's safety in the home
Fear of going to school
Headaches, bellyaches, or body aches when a separation approaches
Lack of concentration
This disorder poses the threat of a vicious circle in which the child's dependence and the parents' protectiveness reinforce and amplify each other. For that reason, both the parents and the child may need to see a counselor. If the youngster refuses to go to school,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots, an immediate priority is to arrange a return as quickly as possible.
If this problem isn't successfully resolved, it can lead to greater emotional problems, such as depression, as the child grows older.
Try to prepare the child for a change such as a divorce or a move. Talk openly about such changes and encourage him to voice his worries. Give reassurance that everyone will be safe.
Discuss the problem with the child's teachers. They may be able to give you tips for dealing with this disorder both at home and at school.
Praise and reward the child for overcoming his fears.
Call Your Doctor If...
The child can't sleep.
You fear you will lose patience with the child,we will have a tendency to project that judgment onto others.
Conditions and Treatments:
Breast Cancer
Cardiac Disease
Cosmetic Surgery
Digestive Problems
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Kidney Disease
Liver Disease
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Urological Conditions
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Developmentally inappropriate and excessive anxiety concerning separation from home or from those to whom the individual is attached, as evidenced by three (or more) of the following:
recurrent excessive distress when separation from home or major attachment figures occurs or is anticipated
persistent and excessive worry about losing, or about possible harm befalling, major attachment figures
persistent and excessive worry that an untoward event will lead to separation from a major attachment figure (e.g., getting lost or being kidnapped)
persistent reluctance or refusal to go to school or elsewhere because of fear of separation
persistently and excessively fearful or reluctant to be alone or without major attachment figures at home or without significant adults in other settings
persistent reluctance or refusal to go to sleep without being near a near a major attachment figure or to sleep away from home
repeated nightmares involving the theme of separation
repeated complaints of physical symptoms (such as headaches, stomachaches, nausea, or vomiting) when separation from major attachment figures occurs or is anticipated
The duration of the disturbance is at least 4 weeks.
The onset is before age 18 years.
The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social,Remember, academic (occupational), or other important areas of functioning.
The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic Disorder and, in adolescents and adults, is not better accounted for by Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia.

Friday, November 2, 2012

When you walk down the street or in the office building

Keep Your Mind Sharp
Just as you need physical exercise to keep your body performing well, you need mental exercise to keep your mind sharp!
Sure, we'll have those days when we just feel "out of it." This could be for any number of reasons such as working longer than normal hours or not getting enough sleep the night before. But, within a day or two you are usually snap back to your bright, attentive, and witty self.
Then, there may be weeks when you feel like you're really in a rut. You tend to be forgetful, you're slow to respond in conversation,it would not bee worth the effort,1984 Ugg Fox Fur Tall Chestnut Boots, or your comprehensive skills may slack. In extreme cases, you should visit your doctor to make sure it's not something more serious. However, in most cases you probably just need a mental tune-up!
As they say, "use it or lose it." That is certainly true with physical exercise. If you don't walk on the treadmill or lift weights, you'll lose your shape in no time! There are also exercises you can do to keep your mind alert and alive, too.
4 ways to keep your mind sharp:
1. Play games.
Yes, mental exercise can be fun! Games such as tic-tac-toe, chess, and checkers are great games to test your strategy skills. Ping pong, tennis, and racquetball are good to test your reflex skills,Conscience Vs Mind. Hangman, Scrabble, word searches, and cross-word puzzles are excellent for word recognition skills. Don't just play the same games over and over again. Play a variety of games regularly to exercise different skills.
2. Revive your senses.
When you walk down the street or in the office building, it's easy to "space off" or to think about the million things you have going on. Instead, use this opportunity to put your senses to work! Pay attention to what you see, the smells that you whiff, and the sounds that you hear. When you get to your home or desk, recall all those senses, write them down,while others are unorthodox. However, and be descriptive. Do this everyday. The more you perform this exercise, the more interesting your descriptions will be. You'll naturally train yourself to look, smell, and listen with more concentration and detail.
3. Watch your diet.
You know the importance of a healthy, low-cholesterol and low-fat diet to maintain your overall health. But, there are foods that can help maintain your mental processes, too. Fish, flax seed, and walnuts are high in omage-3 fatty acids which protect the brain from inflammation. Tea, sage, and rosemary are known to stimulate your memory. Blueberries, strawberries, and spinach are high in antioxidants which can slow the process of your mind declining.
4. Work out.
Engaging in regular exercise keeps your body—and your mind on the move. Work out and you'll feel energized, alert, and clear-headed.
The tips above will help you increase your brain capacity and will help you feel better, too. You'll increase your memory and you'll be more attentive. So give your brain regular, healthy workouts. Feed it healthy foods. Challenge yourself and have fun!